วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Gifts: What Do You Give A Couch Potato?

So you know someone who likes to "veg out" in front of the TV and you're looking for a gift for him or her. There are three ways you could go with your gift idea.</p><p>Option 1: Get them something that fits right in with their couch potato persona.</p><p>You're not trying to change them, you just want to get them something they will enjoy. Well, there are no shortage of TV and movie gifts out there. You could choose a gift membership to Zip.ca (Canada) or Blockbuster Online (US), where they can rent unlimited DVDs every month for one price. Or get a snazzy universal remote control. They'll be in control from the comfort of their couch - how fitting! They'll enjoy their TV and movies more with a home theater system or a liquid crystal TV. Or how about converting them into a "chair potato" with a robotic leather massage recliner!</p><p>Option 2: Get them physically active.</p><p>Your couch potato can still watch TV while they exercise. Our favorite gift idea in this category is a portable mini cycle that you can use while still sitting on the couch (or at a desk, etc.). Best of both worlds! Similar to that (but not quite as "convenient") is a stair climber or side stepper. But they have to actually get off the couch for that.</p><p>Option 3: Get them out of the house.</p><p>This is, basically, contradictory to all that is dear to your couch potato. But it could be the best thing for them! Try getting them golf lessons, cooking classes, a tent and sleeping bag, or a weekend getaway. They might just like it!</p><p>A Heath is a gift researcher for <a target="_new" href="http://www.the-gift-wizard.com">http://www.the-gift-wizard.com</a>
